The Blog
How to Create and Grow Intimate Relationships That Last
Although relationships are rife with potential disappointment and conflict, make no mistake that they’re also our number one source of happiness. Nothing else comes close. You can achieve success, wealth, fame, and fortune, but you’ll always feel a sense of longing if you don’t build intimate relationships. Intimacy can be difficult to navigate, however. Maybe […]
6 Types of Romantic Relationships and How to Make Yours Healthy
“How did we get here?” You and your partner just had a fight, and you find yourself sitting alone, asking this question. Where did the happy days go when connecting with your significant other was easy? Maybe you’ve just gone through another breakup and are beginning to doubt if you will ever find a relationship […]
3 Surprisingly Simple Reasons Why Relationships Fail
“We need to talk.” The most dreaded four words in a relationship. They go hand in hand with… I just need time to think about things. I need some space We should take a break All of these phrases have the same subtext: the relationship is failing. A break-up is one of the hardest things […]
The Perfect Relationship: Is It Real?
“Where is this coming from?” How many times have you asked that as a fight starts with your significant other? At first, it was a nice dinner you were making together. You cooked without a care in the world. A nice quiet evening…you thought. Then they got mad that a cabinet door was left open. Then […]
49 Relationship Questions That Spark Meaningful Conversations
Steve and Julie thought there was nothing easier than taco date night. Oh, how fast they could be proven wrong… Steve orders two asada and two chorizo tacos. “Aww thanks, Steve,” Julie says. Steve gives her a questioning look. “For…the tacos,” Julie continues, a little confused. “You remember both of our favorites!” “Uh, these are […]
5 Things Every Relationship Needs to Flourish
Your spouse is curled up tight on the far side of the bed. You know you won’t get another peep out of them. Let’s face it, you’ve also drawn the line in the covers, a balled-up fort of emotions. You don’t even remember exactly what frustrated either of you this time, but it looks like […]